Gynaecomastia Treatment

Gynaecomastia is an abnormal condition characterised by breast enlargement in males. Occasionally, they may also secrete milk. This condition may also be seen in neonates, adolescents and elderly individuals, as a part of physiological changes.
Gynaecomastia can affect one or both breasts. Generally gynaecomastia does not produce any harmful effect on the body but it may induce undue stress and embarrassment that can impact the active sex life of the affected individual.
The non-surgical methods employed for management of gynaecomastia include:
- In case of drug induced gynaecomastia, replacement of the offending drug with an alternative and safer medication
- Medical treatment of the underlying disease conditions causing gynaecomastia
In patients not responding to non-surgical options, surgery is considered as the last option. The surgical methods for management of gynaecomastia include:
- Liposuction
- Gland excision
- Skin sculpture
- Reduction mammoplasty
- Combination of the surgical techniques mentioned above
Normally the reduction surgery takes about 90 minutes. After surgery patients are often advised to wear an elastic pressure garment or ace bandage that promotes healing. Patients are also advised on rehabilitation exercises for at least 3 weeks and can return to normal activities in 6 weeks.
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